Greetings Stamp – Miniature Painted Chest
Slovenia – Love… kept safely in a box
Over the centuries people in Slovenia have traditionally used at least three different types of chest. Large ones were used to store clothes and various valuable items. The most numerous kind were those used to store grain, and also dried fruit or beans. The third type consists of small chests, frequently also mere boxes or caskets, made of wood and other materials, that people used to store little items of value, gifts, letters and photographs.
These small chests are still widely used today. People use them to store special gifts that often represent the tangible manifestation of a romantic relationship, or even simply the memory of a love story. A first love letter, a chain, a ring, a pendant… All these items find a home in a vast variety of little boxes and caskets, where they represent, for their owners, the most intimate ties to specific individuals, memories of a special person, events, encounters, special days, personal celebrations or important milestones in their life. Such chests or boxes are often carefully stored and, together with the items they contain, afford us a genuine experience of memories of people, events and expressions of love.
Janez Bogataj
Issue Date: 27.01.2017
Designer: Edi Berk, Dragan Arrigler
Illustrator: Edi Berk, Dragan Arrigler
Printer: Joh. Enschedé Stamps, Netherlands
Process: Offset
Colours: 4
Values: 0,45