100 Years of Service of Lions Club International
Portugal – LIONS is a secular, non-political service movement with a humanist orientation in its activities. It was created by a group of businessmen in Chicago, United States, in 1917. Its principal founder was Melvin Jones, who perhaps did not anticipate such widespread and rapid acceptance within communities, despite believing in the possibility of altruistically doing good for others and bringing people closer together through the faith he held in peace between the populations of the world. Within a few years, Lions began an irreversible worldwide expansion that continues today and makes this organisation a world leader in humanitarian service.
On its first centenary, Lions Clubs International, in more than 207 countries and geographic regions, with around 1.4 million members spread among 46,000 clubs, celebrates the achievements of those who established the tradition of no need being left unattended, today reinforced by the ability of all members and their Youth – Lions and Leos – to believe and accomplish and, throughout the world, the inner strength and assertiveness of these volunteers who stay loyal to the motto “We Serve.”
At the heart of each club’s activities, therefore, there is always the idea of service, making use of its members’ professional skills in community life. It also benefits from a reciprocal development of comprehension, wellbeing and peace among peoples of the world.
Today, Lions Club International has already exceeded the centenary service challenges set in 2014 and in doing so has served more than 100 million people on a global scale, in four main areas of service, namely protecting the environment, providing vision-related services, improving the lives of young people and working to reduce hunger.
However, our ambition and confidence in overcoming new challenges, achieving new goals and serving new people demonstrates that our work is far from complete. We know we must continue to bring hope to the most needy and stimulate people’s good qualities, in particular, the inner strength and ability to achieve of all those who have aspired and agreed to become LIONS on this continuing journey.
Issue Date: 29.04.2017
Designer: Atelier Design&etc / He?lder Soares
Printer: Cartor
Process: Offset
Size: Stamp: 40 x 30,6 mm, Sovenir Sheet: 125 x 95 mm
Values: €0.80