Joint issue Kyrgyzstan-Belarus – Horses
Kyrgyzstan KEP – On June 30th the State Committee for Information Technology and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic puts into circulation new issue of Kyrgyz Express Post stamps. For the first time in the history of KEP, stamps are produced jointly with the Republic of Belarus.
The common theme is the love of our peoples for such wonderful animals as horses. This KEP issue includes two miniatures: one represents the Kyrgyz horse (a “Novokyrgyz” breed), and the second, a “Trakehner” horse, common in Belarus.
The Kyrgyz horse is of ancient origin, and its history is closely connected with the history of the Kyrgyz people. The Kyrgyz horse has always been characterized by exceptional endurance, unpretentiousness and adaptability to the conditions of the mountainous terrain.
The Trakehner breed was created primarily for cavalry, which required horses with speed and power. Over time, the Trakehner breed lost its military significance, but it was used with great success in agriculture and equestrian sport.
Besides the mentioned stamps, 2 postal cards, dedicated to the mentioned horse breeds, are issued. These cards, together with the new stamps and a special pictorial first day cancellation, were used to make two maximum cards.
Issue Date: 30.06.2017
Designer: Aliona Cojocari
Illustrator: Alina Homich, Vladimir Voronin
Printer: Nova Imprim
Process: Full-colour offset lithography
Size: 46,00 x 27,50 mm
Values: 50, 100 KGS