•A celebration of Roman life and culture in Britain •The Romans successfully invaded in the year 43, and assimilated much of the country into a Roman province introducing their culture and technology, with 10km of roads linking new towns suchRead More
Royal Mail is issuing a set of stamps and Miniature Sheet on 9th July to celebrate the band, Queen, one of the UK’s greatest music legends on the 50th anniversary of its formation. With over three decades’ worth of hitsRead More
Norway Post and the Norwegian Kennel Club held a photo competition, and the jury picked four winning dogs, which will now be depicted on stamps. Whippet Birk creates enjoyable and memorable moments for residents at an assisted living facility inRead More
2020 marks 150 years since the death of Charles Dickens, widely regarded as the greatest author of the Victorian era. Appreciated for his vast contribution to English literature, Dickens is particularly well known for his powerful and evocative descriptions ofRead More
A work by American artist Matt Mullican from the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein adorns Liechtenstein’s SEPAC stamp this year. The association of thirteen small postal operators in Europe issues stamps on common themes every year. This year the stamps are works ofRead More
New Zealand’s main islands are each represented in the two 2020 Scenic Definitives, highlighting our tallest peak all the way down to the stunning sights at sea level. The 2020 Scenic Definitives were issued to accommodate this year’s postal rateRead More