In ancient Roman times the territory of present-day Slovenia became a junction and crossroads of several busy and highly important routes – the Roman roads connecting western and coastal areas with the interior and providing a rapid connection to neighbouringRead More
The Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira had their own specific post transportation problems. The use of maritime transport to send correspondence to the islands had been previewed by old o cial charters pre-dating the creation of the rstRead More
The Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira had their own specific post transportation problems. The use of maritime transport to send correspondence to the islands had been previewed by old official charters pre-dating the creation of the first masterRead More
In the days when messengers were at the service of royal households, noblemen, archbishops, abbots or other princes of the church, missives were transported by foot or on horseback, then by stagecoach, and later by train or aboard on longerRead More
The race is arranged every year in June in commemoration of the hazardous postal journeys and hardships of the farmer-postmen as they conveyed the mail between Sweden and Åland for almost 400 years. The issue is part of the PostEuropRead More
EUROPA – Ancient postal route stamps depict two historic stops on the old Tartu–Võru road. One stamp has a modern photo of the Varbuse postal station built on the side of this road in 1863, where the Estonian Road MuseumRead More
In place since the times of ancient kingdoms, states and empires, the postal routes have been essential for bringing governments and societies closer together throughout history. Former trade routes marked by posts and resting places enabled couriers and messengers toRead More
The Route: Klaksvík – Viðareiði One of the most challenging postal routes on land was Klaksvík – Viðareiði, requiring hardy mail carriers to vanquish one of the most inaccessible mountain areas in the Faroe Islands. Postman Jákup’s Demise On NovemberRead More
“A very hazardous road, passing cliffs and valleys, where it was not possible to ride, but where the postal farmers had to carry the mailbags on their backs,” was the description of Vindhellavegen in Lærdal. In 1793, the road wasRead More
Europa stamps, bearing the official logo, are issued every year by the members of PostEurop, the trade association which represents the interests of European public postal operators. Each year a theme is set for members to interpret and illustrate onRead More
Faroes – Considering the size of the Faroe Islands, it may seem quite strange that infrastructure, transport and logistics, have always constituted some of the islands’ biggest problems. Steep mountain terrain presented great difficulties to wayfarers, straits with violent currentsRead More
Norway – The Hardanger Bridge is not just Norway’s longest suspension bridge – it is also the eighth longest bridge of its type in the entire world. The main span is an impressive 30 m longer than that of theRead More
Romania – Under the title Europa 2018, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation the postage stamp issue BRIDGES,topic selected for this year by PostEurop, a body of the Universal Postal Union, a specialized agency of the United Nations. The issue consists of two stamps. TheRead More
Netherlands – The cooperating postal companies in Europe have been publishing stamps with a common theme for more than 60 years. In 2002 they introduced a competition: the EUROPA Stamp Best Design Competition. This competition is organised under the aegisRead More
Jersey – As Jersey is an island with fast moving and high-rising tides which can sometimes be dangerous, bridges and causeways play an important role in providing access to local lighthouses, fortifications and even the local salt water bathing pool.Read More