Quince Scent
Switzerland – The quince is Switzerland’s Fruit of the Year 2017. To mark this accolade, Swiss Post is issuing a limited miniature sheet which gives off the fragrance of quince.
FRUCTUS has designated a fruit of the year each year since 2008. The charitable organization was established in 1985 as a nationwide association in Switzerland to promote a gene bank for all fruit varieties and standard orchards.
The name quince derives from the Latin “malum Cydonium”, or Cydonian apple; however, a connection to Cydonia on the island of Crete has not been proven.
Quince is a stone fruit. While only a few foreign varieties can be eaten raw, the quinces found in Switzerland are known for their heady, fragrant scent and the del- icacies that can be prepared from them. The miniature sheet features the refresh- ing colour and shape of this fruit as well as its sensuous aromas: the fruit on the sheet is treated with a special varnish which releases the aroma when touched.
Issue Date: 31.08.2017
Designer: Jwan Reber, Pohlern
Printer: Gutenberg AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein
Process: Offset
Colours: 4-Colours
Size: Miniature sheet: 105 × 70mm, Stamps: 65 × 55mm